Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Monument for Apo

When reading the other day in my favorite newspaper the headline: A monument for "Apo," I was somewhat disturbed. Apo, this is what my grandchildren call me, not Opa, being the standard form for grandpa in German. When my oldest grandson started to speak, he used Apo instead of Opa, so the younger grandchildren adopted Apo as well. Elisabeth is called in an even kinder way Ami (French for a friend) instead of Omi or Oma. Our odd names help to distinguish us from the other grandparents.

What about the monument? Reading the article, it turned out that people from a community outside Freiburg had erected a statue for their defunct pharmacist (in German Apotheker) called Apo, who had rendered outstanding services to local clubs and societies.

Just to tell you, I am still alive!

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