Thursday, May 14, 2015

125 Years MBV

New logo ©Münsterbauverein

Last night, we, the presently 5114 active supporters of Freiburg's Minster church, celebrated the 125th anniversary of the Münsterbauverein (MBV = Society for the Preservation of the Minster) with a ceremonial act in the cathedral.

Introduction: Gregorian chant
Between day and dusk. Eerie illumination 
When a group of experts had confirmed the desolate state of the building in 1889, it was Freiburg's second founding father, Otto Winterer, who, on May 13, 1890, called his citizens to preserve this jewel of Gothic art. Yesterday, several speakers mentioned that Winterer's call for financial support was Freiburg's first citizens' initiative, albeit the mayor had taken the initiative. Soon, nearly 10% of Freiburg's population of 49,000 showed bürgerliches Engagement (civil engagement) and joined the MBV, the society to preserve the Minster church.

©Yvonne Faller
When Red Baron came to Freiburg fourteen years ago, he admired the steeple of the Minster as many people before him. Some art historians celebrated the soaring pyramid of 116 meters with its opened-worked stonework in its slender upper part as "intellect" cast in stone. When comparing the steeples of the Basel, Strasbourg, and Freiburg cathedrals, the well-known proponent Jakob Burckhardt said in a lecture: Freiburg will probably remain the most beautiful steeple on earth.

When Red Baron looks up at the steeple now, disfiguring scaffolding bars the view of the masterpiece of Gothic architecture.

Seen from the Wiehre near my home
Seen from Oberlinden
In Freiburg, I not only became a member of the Münsterbauverein, but when I noticed that the MBV was not present on the Internet, I volunteered to build a web page. It was a challenge, and learning by doing resulted in a somewhat clumsy programming code. This website, nevertheless, has served its purpose for more than ten years. 

However, before I could offer a more streamlined version - following years of learning and further web experience - the Münsterbauverein rightly asked for professional help and introduced a completely new website worthy of its 150th anniversary.

The scaffolding around the steeple will remain in place until 2016. The reason is that a closer inspection revealed severe damage to all 28 cornerstones of the pyramid, each carrying a weight of 40 tons. Seven of these central building elements must be replaced in situ, while 21 cornerstones, although showing cracks, will get a supporting structure of a blow-out patch and a titanium rod. It is a technical challenge to take the old stones out and replace them with new replicas. How do you support 40 tons of weight when a cornerstone is missing? They do it!

Replacing a cornerstone or open-heart surgery ©Münsterbauverein
As Dombaumeisterin (master builder) Yvonne Faller confirmed: Once the steeple is repaired, we will begin the renovation of the other highlight of the cathedral, the Minster choir, built in late Gothic style. This work will take at least 30 years and lots of money. For those of you who love the Minster and would like to support the preservation of Freiburg's Gothic jewel, here are the banking data:

Freiburger Muensterbauverein
IBAN: DE10 6005 0101 0004 3808 81

Thank you!

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