Thursday, May 16, 2019

Asparagus etc.

Today, I passed by my bakery and noticed a new loaf of bread marked Kartoffel-Spargel Brot.

It looks like a regular loaf of bread.
Adding potatoes to bread is well-known, making it crusty and tasty, although you will look in vain for any potato chips inside. This may be different with asparagus.

Being curious, I rushed home. I cut the loaf, and lo and behold, pieces of asparagus were baked into it. And the bread tastes like asparagus!

Yes, it is true. Germans are mad about and are running wild for white asparagus in particular. It is the season now, and Red Baron has already had the treat of those spears five times this year. Here is a link showing how asparagus is served in Baden.

Ritter Sport chocolate is known for its diversity, and aficionados frequently propose new fake varieties by posting them on Pinterest.

My particular choice:
Frankfurt Cider, Onions from Limburg, and Apples and Blackberries at CeBit (©Pinterest)
The asparagus market is tempting and appealing. So this year, on April 1, Ritter Sport opened the asparagus season by marketing its Spargel variety, guaranteed to contain whole spears.

Well-peeled and not at all woody (©Facebook)
Don't be fooled. This year, too, on April 1, Freiburg's archdiocese finally lifted a secret that it had closely guarded in laying open a Freiburg Bächle that had been running underground straight down the aisle of the Minster Church for centuries.

Looking down the aisle to the altar (©Archdiocese Freiburg)
Freiburgers say that if you step in one of those brooklets running through the city and its suburbs, you must marry someone from Freiburg. So the Church regards this newly opened Bächle running inside the Minster as an effective method of fighting concubinages.

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