Saturday, September 11, 2010

German Language Day 2010

Somehow typical showing the European Flag
and the UN-logo
Today is German Language Day (Tag der deutschen Sprache), and it happened that this very morning I finished Günter Grass's latest book: Grimms Wörter; Eine Liebeserklärung. The New York Times wrote about Grimm's Words: The book is a declaration of love, as the subtitle states, to Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's collection of German words into a dictionary. 

The Brothers Grimm started their Deutsches Wörterbuch in 1848 when following a conflict about the Hanover Constitution with their king, they - together with five other colleagues (the Göttingen Seven) - were not only ousted from their professorships but also expelled from the Kingdom of Hanover.

The Wörterbuch is more than just a dictionary. It is like an encyclopedia of German words, their origin, and their development. It is a treasure trove, particularly for a writer like Günter Grass, who loves German Baroque authors and their style.

Coming back to German Language Day 2010, the Badische Zeitung published an interview with Professor Ludwig Eichinger, full professor of German linguistics at the University of Mannheim. It is there where the Duden, Germany's reference source for our language, is published. When Eichinger was asked about the influence of American English on the German language, he gave an all-clear.

We had earlier impacts on our language. In the 18th century it was the Français that caused outbreaks like: O spei aus, vor der Hausthür spei der Seine häßlichen Schleim aus! Rede Deutsch, o du Deutscher (Oh, vomit in front of the front door, vomit the Seine river's hideous slime! Speak German, oh you German). 

Concerning the American influence, we are far from such outbursts. Why not use the English word if there are no acceptable German translations? Who knows the German equivalent of "upgrade?" 

The other day I read cute translations for drop-down lists and browsers: Klapplisten and Stöberer. Since my early days with the computer, I have fought a personal battle using the word hard disk for the good German Festplatte. After all, I try to compensate for my lapsus linguae by forcing E-Post instead of e-mail.

In fact, in recent years, German enterprises have rediscovered German like the Deutsche Bahn (German Railway). They promised to rename their Service Point into Kundenzentrum.

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