Sunday, June 8, 2014


Dear readers,

Here is my 250th blog. Today my sentiment resembles that of Count Axel Oxenstierna, chancellor of King Gustavus Adolphus from 1612 to 1632, when he, following the victory in the First Battle of Breitenfeld, commented on the Swedish position on German territory, "Hätten anfangs soweit zu kommen nicht vermeint (Would not have thought in the beginning to come so far)." 

I shall bore you with some statistics instead of drinking for my health. In four years, from May 26, 2010, to today, I had 69334 blog views. The following chart shows the ten most visited blogs.

The undisputed winner is Annoying the French? from July 2010. Why is this so? I have no idea. The first part of the text consists of commented citations from Clarke's book; in the second part, I added some of my personal experiences regarding the French-German relationship.

The silver medal, with only half the page views than Annoying the French, goes to a picture gallery illustrating a two-day excursion to southern Burgundy in 2012. As a member of the Museumsgesellschaft, Freiburg's oldest civil society founded in 1807, Red Baron took part. As webmaster of the "Museum," I usually pose photos of our yearly excursions on the website of our Gesellschaft. It is expected that members like to visit the souvenirs of past events.

The third place is taken by the blog about my fairy tale in former Breslau that I like to see together with my visit to Ferdinand Lasalle's tomb (place 7) in the same city.

Weimar in October 2012 (place 6) does not stand alone but rather belongs to a series of four blogs (quatrology) about my experience in Thuringia: Weimar, German History in a Small Thuringian Town, Weimar, the Second Time Around (Spring 1990), Weimar in October 2012, and Weimar Literature.

As I expected, my American friends are the most assiduous visitors to my blog, closely followed by my German viewers, and there are even 612 page views from China.

Google (and they are not the NSA!) even offers statistics about the soft- and hardware used when people view my blogs. It is obvious that MS Windows and PCs are still dominating the market. Concerning browsers, the former leader Internet Explorer is now in healthy competition with Chrome and Firefox.

Where do I go from here? Only God knows whether I shall remain mentally healthy to complete another 250 blogs.


  1. Congratulations, dear Manfred!

  2. Interesting facts! Keep 'em coming! I would toast another 250 at least! Prost!
