Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Typewritten Hate

Back from his vacation Thomas Fricker, editor-in-chief of Freiburg's Badische Zeitung, found the following machine-typed paper in his letterbox at home.

Before I give you the translation of the above text, here are some personal remarks about hate speech, rude comments on social media, and anonymously smeary-writing cowards. Society is amidst a social development that some people like to sell as absolute democracy. The psychological barrier has become so low that the next step, I fear, will be physical attacks on a larger scale. Does Mr. Fricker need a bodyguard?

Western society has lost its ethical attitude, and don't tell me that this is due to the loss of our Christian basis. Take the Catholic Church or the Evangelicals preaching the Gospel to their sheep, but many officials are not living up to their words. By their fruits, you will get knowledge of them (Matthew 7:16). If Christian leaders no longer serve as role models. Who else will?

Red Baron faced a Sisyphean task translating the infamous text Mr. Fricker had published on Facebook. Knowing German and English vocabulary, it was still challenging to "pair" the German expressions with their English equivalents. Dictionaries were not a great help. Here is my best effort trying to keep the primitive diction of the anonymous author as much as possible.

Th. Fricker: Infamous, primitive smear campaigners, lying toads, journalists of your race are "Poison for democracy"! If you need negroes, headscarf sluts, terrorists, or Islamists, go to their countries of origin. You will not be missed here. Can you still look into the mirror with your hating face, your lying mouth? You are a rotten creature earning your living with smear campaigns, lies, and insults toward your fellow citizens, all to the detriment of our fatherland. What a wretched little creature. The level of the lying paper BZ speaks for itself when presenting such a man as the editor-in-chief. Fie, a shame! Look closely: wars, brutality, devastation, destruction, and disregard for human dignity only exist where there is Islam. These criminal parasite gangs invade our country, are generously supported by our taxes and fees, and sold to us as a "profit" and an "enrichment." It is enough. We already have sufficient stabbers, rapists, murderers, highwaymen, dealers, etc. ... who live in paid comfort apartments and houses, while righteous German citizens can no longer afford the horrendous rents. Deport, deport, and create space for German families. This is the fatherland we have built up and designed with our honest work. Stop the asylum dictatorship! These presumptuous criminals burden our administrative bodies and our courts and cure their epidemics plagues in our hospitals. This is poison for democracy! Shame on you, cheap, characterless, honorless traitor of our fatherland!

Red Baron is shaken, appalled, and slightly depressed.

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