Thursday, May 20, 2021


In 2019 Red Baron blogged about 5G. Am I going back in history? By no means.

Since last Saturday, restaurants have been allowed to open again in Freiburg. Many places were caught unprepared. One of my favorite places, Der Kaiser, opened for seated customers only yesterday.

There were strings attached. First of all, you had to make a reservation. Then all guests must fulfill one of the 3 Gs, i.e., being fully vaccinated, recovered from Covid-19, or providing a certified negative Corona quick test. The latter is free (one per week for a person) but unpleasant.

All papers filled out.
Give your name, birthday, address, and telephone number, and check one of three boxes:
vaccinated, recovered, or a negative Corona quick test not older than 24 hours.
When our party of three arrived at Der Kaiser for lunch, we counted two people vaccinated, and one person recovered. We had to show our Corona credentials at the entrance but still had to fill out a paper confirming our data by signature.

What a difference to last year. Facebook reminded me two days ago of a lunch I had at the Kaiser’s beer garden one year ago. The photo proves that the weather was better 12 months ago.

This time we were sitting inside,
still, how the two photos resemble the food.

A cleared battlefield

The situation in Germany is changing fast. Yesterday I read in the local Badische Zeitung that in our region,   up to ten people from three households (before it was two) may meet in private and public spaces. Fully vaccinated and recovered people do not count towards the total number of people.

So the total number of people on a Wikipedia Stammtisch scheduled for May 24 will depend on the old fully vaccinated guys.

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