©BZ |
With all the existing complications already, the market's attendance is only half this year compared to before Corona. The additional test requirement will kill Freiburg's Christmas market (see the recent development at the end).
The new Corona restrictions are illogical and too complicated. The Eiertanz (dancing
around eggs) around stubbornly unvaccinated people must stop as soon as
Further reading about Weitere Einschränkungen, I shouted, "Compulsory vaccination, now!"
Further reading about Weitere Einschränkungen, I shouted, "Compulsory vaccination, now!"
©ZDF |
©ZDF, Die Heute Show |
He wasn't wise when he later argued against compulsory vaccination, "Jabs don't help to break the fourth Corona wave." Dear Jens, everybody knows that immunization against Covid builds up with time, and a second jab is required two weeks after the first shot.
However, every day counts, so compulsory vaccination now! I want to live through something other than a fifth Corona wave in the winter of 2022/23.
With a Corona incidence rate of 1084, more than double that of Germany, Austria starts with the compulsory vaccination next year on February 1. Why don't we follow?
Latest Information
This Wednesday evening, the organizer, the Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH (FWTM; Freiburg Economy Tourism and Fair Ltd.), and the exhibitors decided to close the Christmas market.
Despite the market closure, the FWTM has allowed artisans to continue operating their booths. However, the decorations must come off as a feature of a Christmas market requiring 2G+.
Consequently, 50 of the 127 vendors of the aborted event will continue.
With Christmas decorations removed, one of the arts and craft vendors said, "We are now like a normal retail store, for which the 3G rule applies and not 2G+." Crazy!
Compulsory vaccination now!
I fully agree, thank you for sharing your opinion.