Friday, June 15, 2012

My Cornish Diary 2

England's farthest point out west is Land's End.

Getting a sunburn in a Mediterranean climate.

Yes, I was there, although the refreshment we took at St. Yves.

Cornwall Cream Tea, traditionally delivered with a Cornish split, a slightly sweet white bread roll, was served in St. Yves with a scone. The warm scone is spread with strawberry jam and then topped with a spoonful of clotted cream. Simply delicious!

St. Yves harbor at low tide in the mist. The only place without sun on the whole trip we visited.

Another typical Cornish food is pasties. A Cornish Pasty is made by placing the uncooked filling on a flat pastry circle and folding it to wrap the filling, crimping the edge at the side or top to form a seal. Traditionally a pasty is filled with beef, sliced or diced potato, turnip, and onion, seasoned with salt and pepper and baked.

British humor: This driver invited Prince Philipp as his front-seat passenger for the Queen's jubilee.

Dartmoor is known for its sheep, prison, and The Hound of the Baskervilles.

Here the hound is following Sherlock Holmes, who possibly is late for his date with the escaped prisoner from Dartmoor, serving him as a red herring while Sir Conan Doyle is watching from the top of the staircase.

We just drove by on our way to London. However, we made a long stop in Bath ...

... and were soon ad fontes. The water is not only warm but also of a greenish color.

In the nineteenth century, the main pool was decorated with statues of famous Romans. Julius Cesar looks quite grouchily.

Minerva's gold-plated head was dug out of the Roman debris.

In 973,  Edgar I was crowned at Bath Abbey and anointed with his wife Ælfthryth in a ceremony that formed the basis of the present-day British coronation practice. The coronation was an important step in England's unification as other kings of Britain came and gave their allegiance to Edgar shortly afterward at Chester and pledged their faith that they would be the king's liege-men on sea and land.

Placed in the center of the nave: a mirror to admire the fine structure of the Abbay's vault.

No, this is not Calvin but one of those many deans of Bath Abbey.


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