Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Habemus Nuntium Americanum!

Following German reunification in 1990, the US embassy, historically located at the Brandenburg Gate and within spitting distance of the Reichstag building, was rebuilt as a fortress. Over the last fifteen months, the new embassy in Berlin had been without a chief diplomat. 

Today the new ambassador for Germany, Richard Grenell, will take office. In spoofing Schiller, "And so ended the long, the endless waiting, that time of angst with no American ambassador."

US embassy with the Reichstag building in the background ©dpa
Last Thursday, US Vice President Mike Pence swore in the 51-year-old Grenell as America's new ambassador to Germany, saying that Grenell is highly qualified for his future role and will strengthen relations between the two countries. Present at the ceremony were Grenell's mother and his partner Matt Lashey.

The swearing-in of gay Richard was possibly annoying for Evangelist Mike Pence, although the former swore to a historical Bible will have mitigated the situation somewhat.

Grenell is considered a conservative patriot and recently has openly criticized Berlin's attitude towards the military strike in Syria in a tweet following POTUS's habit, only missing the words "too sad":

Despite these remarks, liberal Berlin will welcome Grenell without fear of contact and with open arms. He is in the good company of former Governing Mayor* Klaus Wowereit (Wowi). Silencing rumors, Wowi told a crowd during his 2001 mayoral election campaign, "Ich bin schwul, und das ist auch gut so." (I'm gay, and that's a good thing). "

There was half a second of surprised silence, then spontaneous cheering and loud applause for supporting him." Needless to say that by his well-calculated coming out, popular Wowi won the election by a significant margin.
*Contrary to Washington D.C., Berlin is a Bundesland (federal state) with a parliament and governing mayor (governor) elected by the people

Welcome, Mr. Ambassador, to the city that is poor* but sexy, as Wowi once formulated.
*At the end of 2017, the Land Berlin had a total debt of 57 billion euros corresponding to 16 000 euros per capita

PS: When POTUS announced the US withdrawal from JCPOA, the reaction of European spokesman and French President Emmanuel Macron was clear on the issue:

And the just-arrived US Ambassador Richard Grenell for Germany introduced himself with a bang by tweeting his master's voice:



  1. Was wollen Sie mit der alten Schwulenstory von Klaus Wowereit sagen? Ach, wie toll: ich darf ihn "Wowi" nennen!! Ein erschreckend dürftiges Niveau, diese Mitteilung!
    Wollen Sie bei dem nächsten Botschafter, der heterosexuell ist, bekanntgeben, wieviele Frauen der in seinem Leben sexuell beglückt hat? Auf welchen Niveau bewegten wir uns denn hier ? Völlig überflüssig !

    So sind eben die diese feigen anonymen Medien !

    "Nur noch Kopfschütteln" !

    1. Anonym ist feige, oder? Sie haben den Inhalt des Blogs nicht begriffen, traurig.
