Monday, June 13, 2022


This is my 900th post, and again I must cite Oxenstierna, Gustaf Adolf's chancellor in the Thirty Years' War, "Couldn't have imagined at the outset we would go so far," referring to the success of the Swedes in German territory. 

This citation I used as early as 2014 when somehow astonished I announced the publication of my 250th blog just eight years ago on June 8.

The topic of this 900th blog is "manslamming," a neologism coined after "mansplaining "and "manspreading."

The reason for "spreading" is no longer relevant for Red Baron, although I efficiently practice mansplaining. Note: When other capabilities are deficient old men like to talk.

Here are two women complaining about manslamming. The tales of the encounters are greatly exaggerated. 

When Red Baron walks through Freiburg's crowded city, he must watch not to be slammed by women looking at their mobile phones and pushing their strollers with toddlers calmed by munching pretzels.

Watch the movie by clicking.
A reporter experimented in busy New York, filming the persons that slammed into her. In the end, the score was 23 men and 66 women slamming. So manslamming should be changed into everyoneslamming.

Coming back to my 900th post. It will take me about 24 months to reach 1000. Fingers crossed?


  1. Gratulations ! And go on!

  2. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!! 900 mal eine interessante Lektüre, aufbauend und bildend. Danke und alle guten Wünsche! Andreas Meckel, treuer Leser
