In the winter of 2012/2013, Red Baron attended a series of public lectures on Freiburg's Mediaeval history titled
Auf Jahr und Tag (In the year, on the day).
I reported on the presentation of the proceedings and the book with all the papers given.
The lectures about Freiburg's early history were so successful that the organizing institutes presented another series about events linked to particular dates in Freiburg's modern history during this winter term.
The series started in November last year with a lecture on
May 24, 1525, a date when revolting farmers occupied the city- It will end in March of this year with a talk about
November 11, 1948. On that date, the city council approved the plans for the reconstruction of Freiburg, which had been destroyed four years earlier in an air raid on
November 27, 1944, another of those key dates.
Last Monday, Dr. Ute Scherb spoke about:
©Ute Scherb |
February 28, 1900, Ash Wednesday, Freiburg's university opened its gates to female students. Before that date, women had been tolerated as
Gaststudenten (auditors) in some university lectures* but without the possibility of acquiring an academic degree.
*As early as 1790, when Freiburg's society ladies stormed Georg Jacobi's university courses
The square in front of the main building of Freiburg's university, in its original shape,
during the Gründerzeit seen from the site of the new university library.
To the right is the building of the old library and a female student.
Until last year a four-lane street running in the front divided Freiburg's city.
Since traffic was banned on August 27, 2012, the old campus of 1900 will become
the new university campus once the construction work in the area is finished (©Ute Scherb). |
In the 19th century, Switzerland was more advanced in women's education than Germany. The first female high school fulfilling the matriculation standards was opened in Switzerland in 1860, so the University of Zürich accepted female students starting in 1866. With all this progressiveness, nobody in the audience could explain the irony of why women in Switzerland got the right to vote only in 1971. In contrast, in Germany, women's suffrage was introduced in 1919.
The first high school for girls in Baden was opened in Karlsruhe in 1893. Subsequently, around 1900, the first female graduates claimed their right to a university education. The opposition in Germany to female university students was considerable. In 1876 the professor of Catholic theology in Freiburg
Alban Stolz pointed out the direction:
The female sex is physically and intellectually weaker. Should I mention here that the fundamentalist Stolz was an outspoken anti-Semite too?
When the decree of the Baden Ministry of Education granting female students the right to enroll in Freiburg's university arrived in the city on February 28, 1900, suddenly, all doors opened. Freiburg's first female student was Johanna Kappes, a graduate of Karlsruhe's high school. She enrolled in the medical faculty, finished her studies successfully, and left Freiburg University with a doctor's degree in medicine. At that time, educated, wealthy citizens (
Bildungs- und Besitzbürger) were the driving forces. In the beginning, female students frequently had their chaperones with them, protecting them in a male university world.
Today there are more female than male university students in Germany. Although generally finishing their education with better exams than men, women still face discrimination concerning higher positions. Nevertheless, among all the males, Red Baron had two female bosses during his professional life. I remembered my excellent experience when I later had to choose applicants at selection boards for jobs at CERN. Besides, I was impressed by the female candidates generally being better educated than their male competitors.
When in 2009, saying goodbye to my successor at CERN, I was happy to learn that a female scientist I once had recruited was taking over. This must have been some initial spark: In November 2014 CERN Council elected its first female Director-General:
Fabiola Gianotti.
CERN's new and "old" DG (©CERN)
More women power
(©dpa) |
German Defense Minister
Ursula von der Leyen at the Security Conference in Munich on February 6, 2015, on the war in eastern Ukraine:
Es gibt in der Ukraine schon zu viele Waffen (There are already too many weapons in Ukraine).
(©Reuters) |
Angela Merkel, following her visit to the US at a joint press conference with President
Obama in the White House on February 9, 2015, on the war in East Ukraine:
Wir setzen weiter auf eine diplomatische Lösung. Eine militärische Lösung sehe ich nicht (We continue to count on a diplomatic solution. I don't see any military solution).