The talk Red Baron listened to on the evening of October 20, 2020 |
The 19th Century
In 1807, thanks to Napoleon's rule, Jews in Baden were recognized as citizens, and their religion was tolerated. They "enjoyed" protected citizenship but were denied local rights. Besides, they were allowed to settle only in communities where Jews were already residents. Within Freiburg's city boundaries, only temporary daily stays were permitted.
With the advent of a constitutional monarchy in Baden in 1818, the state parliament's two chambers again discussed the Jews' emancipation. Resistance was stirring during the "Jewish debates" in the Second Chamber in 1821. Freiburg's Karl von Rotteck made himself the spokesman for the members of parliament who demanded that Jews earn their civil rights through increased integration.
Freiburg put up fierce resistance against freedom of movement. For fear of competition, the merchants wanted to retain the prohibition on Jews, the ban that had existed since 1424 and that the city council had once more confirmed in 1809. A petition addressed to the Baden parliament stated, "Wir werden zum Judennest (We shall become a Jewish nest.”)
With such hospitality, it is not unsurprising that the first Jewish family settled in Freiburg as late as 1850, and in 1861, only 37 Jews were counted within the city boundaries.
35 Jewish families and a preliminary synagogue Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums of September 6, 1864. (©Jewish Communities) |
Initially, the Jewish community had only a small prayer room
on Münsterplatz that the Catholic Freiburgers regarded with
Looking for a kosher butcher, Ad in the journal Der Israelit on July 11, 1877. (©Jewish Communities) |
At the time of the formation of the Second Reich in 1871, 1.3% or 330 of
Freiburg's citizens were Jews. This number increased to a maximum of 1399 or
1.6% in 1925.
©Stadtarchiv Freiburg |
The Third Reich
With the advent of the Third Reich in January 1933, Jews started to leave the city, so in June, the census gave their number as a mere 1138. In May 1940, at the beginning of the Second World War, only 600 Jews still resided in Freiburg. Following the Wagner-Bürckel Aktion in October 1940 (see below), their number dropped to 41; most remaining lived in mixed Jewish-Christian marriages.
In late March 1933, Freiburg's Nazi newspaper Der Alemanne called for a national boycott of Jewish businesses, officially organized on a national scale for April 1.
In the future, no German will buy from Jews! Remember well! Judah wanted to annihilate Germany! |
"This came into effect under the leadership of the NSDAP on Saturday, April 1, at 10:00 a.m. Reich Chancellor
Hitler emphasized that this defense reaction had to be organized because
otherwise, it would have come from and by the people and have taken
undesirable forms!"
The Freiburgers only moderately followed the boycott of Jewish shops.
Other measures against Jewish citizens hurt more. On April 7, the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service came into force. The Arierparagraph stated: "Civil servants not of Aryan descent are to be retired." The Nuremberg Race Laws of September 1935, i.e., the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor and the Reich Citizenship Law, followed the primitive logic of 1920 NSDAP's party program:" Citizens can only be those who are Volksgenossen (comrades of the people). A Volksgenosse is of German blood, without regard to creed or denomination. No Jew can, therefore, be a Volkgenosse."
The German Jews now fell under the Aliens Act. Thus, all civil service was closed to them.
The persecution of Jews reached its spectacular climax on November 9, 1938, in the so-called Reich Pogrom Night, also known as Reichskristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass).
SS-Standartenführer Walter Gunst was identified as the arsonist of the Freiburg synagogue. On the night of November 9-10, 1938, Gunst ordered gasoline, smashed the door of the building, and, with his helpers, emptied the canisters in the synagogue while, at the same time, the Gestapo searched the basement for documents.
Above all, these deportations* were intended to force the Jews to emigrate. In Dachau alone, 185 people died in the first weeks of internment. After a
few months, these Schüblinge (shifted people) were released, but only
60 Freiburgers returned home, starved, sick, and with severe
*about 30,000 Jews throughout the Reich
Among the returnees was prisoner number 23221, Professor (ret.) Sigmund
Fleischmann from Sternwaldstraße. At his address, I have a
stumbling stone set to his memory. Sigmund died at Freiburg in 1939 as a result of his internment in Dachau. His wife Lina was deported to Theresienstadt on August
22, 1942, and murdered in Auschwitz in May 1944.
Gurs was located in the part of France unoccupied by
the Germans and ruled from Vichy.
The order of deportation took the Jews of Freiburg by complete
surprise and took place, perfidiously, on a high Jewish holiday, the merry
Feast of Tabernacles. Within hours, those affected had to pack up a few
belongings and transfer their remaining possessions by signature to the
Reich. In the following months, household contents and real estate were auctioned or sold to the Freiburg population - usually clearly undervalued.
A memorial plaque was set up on the initiative of my friend Andreas Meckel at the Annakirchlein (St. Anna Church) in my part of town, the Wiehre. Jewish citizens had to assemble here and wait for their transport to Freiburg's train station. The translation of the inscription reads:
The Freiburgers only moderately followed the boycott of Jewish shops.
Other measures against Jewish citizens hurt more. On April 7, the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service came into force. The Arierparagraph stated: "Civil servants not of Aryan descent are to be retired." The Nuremberg Race Laws of September 1935, i.e., the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor and the Reich Citizenship Law, followed the primitive logic of 1920 NSDAP's party program:" Citizens can only be those who are Volksgenossen (comrades of the people). A Volksgenosse is of German blood, without regard to creed or denomination. No Jew can, therefore, be a Volkgenosse."
The German Jews now fell under the Aliens Act. Thus, all civil service was closed to them.
The persecution of Jews reached its spectacular climax on November 9, 1938, in the so-called Reich Pogrom Night, also known as Reichskristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass).
SS-Standartenführer Walter Gunst was identified as the arsonist of the Freiburg synagogue. On the night of November 9-10, 1938, Gunst ordered gasoline, smashed the door of the building, and, with his helpers, emptied the canisters in the synagogue while, at the same time, the Gestapo searched the basement for documents.
When the fire broke out between three and four in the morning, it came to a
violent verbal exchange between the unsuspecting Gestapo men and the kindling SS men. In a perfidious impulse, the SS had Rabbi Siegfried
Scheuermann, Cantor David Ziegler, and teacher Loeb David Maier get out of bed and force them to watch the synagogue fire.
After the war, Wolf Middendorff, a law student at the time, wrote about the arrival of the fire brigade accompanied by an agent because of the suspicion of arson. At the fire scene, the accompanying detective recognized two high-ranking SS officers, who harshly rejected him, so he could not take up his work. A colleague who passed the scene between five and six observed that the fire brigade restricted itself to protecting the neighboring buildings. He is also chased away, but he announces the fire to the Freiburg public prosecutor's office. When the office, in turn, reported the apparent arson to the Attorney General in Karlsruhe, the latter said that the fire in the Freiburg synagogue was no news. Synagogues all over Germany are burning, and he added, 'Leave the paragraphs at home; this is a political issue.
Middendorff reported as an eyewitness and took a photo, too. When I was on my way to the university on the morning of November 10, 1938, I saw the synagogue half-destroyed. Obviously, it had burned. The partially blackened outer walls were still standing, and the square around the synagogue was cordoned off by SS men who denied all access and took strict care that no one took photographs.
The same night and the following day, the Freiburg authorities arrested 137 male Jews over 18 years of age. They were taken by train to the Dachau concentration camp north of Munich.
After the war, Wolf Middendorff, a law student at the time, wrote about the arrival of the fire brigade accompanied by an agent because of the suspicion of arson. At the fire scene, the accompanying detective recognized two high-ranking SS officers, who harshly rejected him, so he could not take up his work. A colleague who passed the scene between five and six observed that the fire brigade restricted itself to protecting the neighboring buildings. He is also chased away, but he announces the fire to the Freiburg public prosecutor's office. When the office, in turn, reported the apparent arson to the Attorney General in Karlsruhe, the latter said that the fire in the Freiburg synagogue was no news. Synagogues all over Germany are burning, and he added, 'Leave the paragraphs at home; this is a political issue.
Middendorff reported as an eyewitness and took a photo, too. When I was on my way to the university on the morning of November 10, 1938, I saw the synagogue half-destroyed. Obviously, it had burned. The partially blackened outer walls were still standing, and the square around the synagogue was cordoned off by SS men who denied all access and took strict care that no one took photographs.
The same night and the following day, the Freiburg authorities arrested 137 male Jews over 18 years of age. They were taken by train to the Dachau concentration camp north of Munich.
Schüblinge in Baden-Baden (©C. Kreutzmüller). Note that the Jewish men were forced to march bareheaded. In the 1930s, even for a Christian, walking hatless in the street was socially unacceptable. |
*about 30,000 Jews throughout the Reich
Stolpersteine (stumbling blocks) |
Following November 15, 1938, Jews were no longer allowed to attend German schools and universities, and since January 1, 1939, they were prohibited from conducting business.
Freiburg was well ahead of this, for as early as April 1, 1937, the K.G. Fritz Richter operated the department stores of the Kaufhausjude (department store Jew) Sally Knopf.
Freiburg was well ahead of this, for as early as April 1, 1937, the K.G. Fritz Richter operated the department stores of the Kaufhausjude (department store Jew) Sally Knopf.
Memorial in the form of a road sign at the Square of the Old
Synagogue |
As already mentioned, in 1940, about 600 Jews still lived in Freiburg. On October 22, 1940, in the framework of the Wagner-Bürckel Aktion, they were deported, together
with other Jews from Baden, the Palatinate, and Saarland, to the Camp de
Gurs in the Pyrenees.
The secret instruction leaflet of the Wagner-Bürckel-Aktion (©C. Kreutzmüller). |
The Warner-Brückle Aktion at Lörrach (©C. Kreutzmüller). |
Citizens of the Jewish faith and those who were declared Jews according to the inhuman racial ideology were deported from Baden, the Palatinate,
and Saarland on October 22, 1949, under the Nazi rule of terror.
From this place in the Wiehre, in full view of everyone, the deportation of the women, men, and
children began to Gurs concentration camp in
southern France.
Most deportees succumbed at Gurs to the inhuman camp conditions or were later murdered.
A Freiburg eyewitness writes, "Throughout October 22, Jewish citizens were driven out of their apartments. They had to wait at assembly points such as the Hebel School's courtyard in the Stühlinger quarter for hours and sometimes the whole night before they were eventually put on trains to Gurs. Seven trains brought 6538 women, men, and children from all over Baden and the Palatinate to the camp in southern France. Could such an event go unnoticed in Freiburg? Probably only by those who did not want to see The Freiburg platforms were black with people ..."
To protect the "Catholic" Jews, Freiburg's Archbishop Conrad Gröber asked the papal nuncio in Berlin for the pope's intervention. In vain, since in the Third Reich, being a Jew was not a question of religion but of race.
![]() |
Numbers of deportees furnished by Dr. Heinrich Schwendemann, the known expert in the field (©BZ) |
The cruel transport by train through occupied Vichy France to Gurs (©BZ) |
Here are the links to two articles in German about the shameful anniversary published in the Badische Zeitung on October 21, "Territoriale Endlösung," and 22, "Ort des Schreckens."
The Post War Period
After the end of the Second World War, just ten Jews married "in mixed marriages" had survived in the city, and only five Jews born in Freiburg returned home.
In September 1945, a Jewish service was held in Freiburg for the first time after the war. At the end of the same year, a new Jewish congregation was constituted, which was initially called the "Israelitische Landesgemeinde Südbaden" (Israelite community in the state of South Baden). In the early 1950s,
the Freiburg congregation had about 60 members who used a prayer room at Holbeinstraße.
Due to the immigration of Russian Jews, the community's structure changed considerably. In 2007, more than 700 people belonged to the religious community.
In November 1987, a new community center with a synagogue was inaugurated on the corner of Nussmann-/Engelstraße, close to the cathedral. In the building, designed by Karlsruhe architects, the two oak wings from the synagogue's main portal, which was destroyed in 1938, were inserted. The community center comprises a community hall with 120 seats, a ritual bath, an exhibition room, a synagogue with 150 seats, rooms for young people, and a kosher kitchen.
Red Baron participated in some of the activities of Freiburg's Jewish community, as there was the commemoration of the burning of the Synagogue and Kippa Day.
So far, so good. But trouble started in 2016 when Freiburg shaped its new center, creating the
Square of the Old Synagogue. Red Baron blogged
about the remains of the Old Synagogue
what happened to its memorial.
PS: For this blog, I borrowed some information from the website "On the History of Jewish Communities in the German Language Area.
In November 1987, a new community center with a synagogue was inaugurated on the corner of Nussmann-/Engelstraße, close to the cathedral. In the building, designed by Karlsruhe architects, the two oak wings from the synagogue's main portal, which was destroyed in 1938, were inserted. The community center comprises a community hall with 120 seats, a ritual bath, an exhibition room, a synagogue with 150 seats, rooms for young people, and a kosher kitchen.
Red Baron participated in some of the activities of Freiburg's Jewish community, as there was the commemoration of the burning of the Synagogue and Kippa Day.
Square of the Old Synagogue
PS: For this blog, I borrowed some information from the website "On the History of Jewish Communities in the German Language Area.
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